The technical term hirsutism is used to describe increased hair growth in women that can be attributed to a disease or disorder of the metabolism. Hirsutism comes from the Latin word “hirsutus” (hairy) and describes an excessive hairiness and a distribution of terminal hair (long hair) in women similar to that in men.
In many parts of the body, women have so-called vellus hair instead of terminal hair, which covers the body like a soft down. If, due to a hormone disorder, terminal hair (long hair) grows instead, the result is a lady’s beard and moustache, hairy arms and legs and sideburns.
Unlike hypertrichosis, which is a hormone-independent and usually genetically determined proliferation of hair, hirsutism is usually caused by an overproduction of androgenic hormones. About 5-10% of all women suffer from hirsutism. The prevailing ideal of beauty, one’s own perception of beauty and ethnic factors determine when body hair is perceived as too strong and unpleasant or unattractive. For the affected women, hirsutism creates a pressure of suffering that should not be underestimated, which makes the desire for targeted and lasting hair removal grow.
Although the trigger for increased hair growth is almost always an excessive production of androgenic hormones, this can have various causes:
Various diagnostic procedures are used to determine whether increased hair is really hirsutism. Often, however, regardless of the clinical diagnosis, it is above all the personal feeling that is decisive in determining whether the excessive hair growth can be tolerated or is a burden on the psyche of the woman affected.
Many women suffer from a lady’s beard and excessive hair on the arms and legs. Sooner or later one wishes to get rid of the annoying hair and to have permanently smooth and youthfully fresh skin again.
There are several ways to treat excessive hair growth. You can get to the root of the problem and treat it with hormone preparations such as anti-androgens. You can also bleach the unwanted hair or remove it with mechanical and electric epilators. Or you can choose a relatively new procedure that is offered in the medical-cosmetic field by specialised institutes: Hair removal with IPL in Berlin. IPL stands for “Intense Pulsed Light” and describes a light-energy procedure that is precisely adapted to the characteristics of the hair root. Through multiple treatments of the body region with a flash of energy, the hair roots are sclerosed painlessly and the hair is permanently removed.
Book an appointment for a consultation
The medical staff of trained specialists, beauticians and alternative practitioners are happy to advise you on the possible treatments. The consultation is non-binding and free of charge. Call us on +49/30/88 92 92 20.
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