Whether you are talking about laugh lines, crow’s feet or wrinkles under the eyes in general, there is always a simple way to permanently eliminate these signs of ageing. Botulinum toxin aka Botox as well as hyaluronic acid can be used. They show remarkable results.
Crow’s feet are the colloquial name for wrinkles that have formed around the eyes. The name is derived from the fact that the wrinkles form in the shape of rays and are thus reminiscent of the shape of real crow’s feet. In medical terms, we can speak of lateral periorbicular wrinkles – as with the identical laugh lines – which often continue into the upper cheek wrinkles. When a person laughs, smile lines or crow’s feet support the positive effect, but quickly appear tired and old when the facial expression is serious. The development of this effect is related to the Musculus orbicularis oculi muscle, but can also result from the decline of the body’s own hyaluron.
There are two ways to treat smile lines and crow’s feet. Firstly, botulinum toxin can be injected into the responsible muscles, which reduces their strength. The result is a – literally – more relaxed facial expression. In addition, hyaluronic acid can be used to make the skin appear fuller and more radiant. Hyaluronic acid is not applied to the muscle but to the skin and is an ideal complement to Botox injections.
Botox Berlin: A treatment of the crow’s feet or laugh lines takes just ten minutes. In most cases, a blunt cannula is used, which means that there is virtually no injury to the skin. The effect of the botulinum toxin lasts about two months at the beginning, but can be extended over time to up to four months. The effect can already be seen after five to ten days.
If you want to have crow’s feet or laugh lines removed, you need not fear any side effects. Only minor bruising may occur here and there due to the injection, but this will heal by itself. There is no pain during the treatment either, but a local anaesthetic in the form of an ointment can always be used if desired.
Treatment of crow’s feet and smile lines in Berlin should be carried out at the BellaDerma specialist centre for aesthetic treatments. You will find our team of experts at two central locations in Berlin-Charlottenburg, Joachimsthaler Straße / corner of Kurfürstendamm and in Berlin-Mitte, Unter den Linden / corner of Friedrichstraße. For all your questions, we are of course also available by telephone.
Book an appointment for a consultation
The medical staff of trained specialists, beauticians and alternative practitioners are happy to advise you on the possible treatments. The consultation is non-binding and free of charge. Call us on +49/30/88 92 92 20.
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