Botox only from a specialist

For a long time, Botox treatments were known to the public mainly for their unsuccessful variants. As with so many other things, it is of course possible to overdo it with Botox treatments. This does not always have to be the fault of the specialist. If the patient insists on a stronger dose, this can quickly lead to a facial expressionless and slightly waxy-looking face.

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Other side effects include a drooping eyelid or temporary numbness in the improperly treated regions. The fault usually lies in the dose or in treating the wrong muscle, which can lead to undesirable results. A specialist in Botox treatment would never let it get this far. A detailed consultation with the patient as well as a responsible handling of the active substance Botox characterise the responsible specialist.

During the consultation, attention is also deliberately drawn to isolated Botox side effects. These include temporary swelling of the treated areas, minor bruising or skin irritation. It should be noted, however, that these occur in less than one percent of cases and can be easily remedied.

Plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon?

Unlike degradable fillers such as hyaluronic acid, Botox may only be injected by a plastic surgeon. And in this case, that is neither the beautician nor the plastic surgeon, but only the medical specialist. Botox treatment is a medical intervention with risks and side effects. A specialist in plastic surgery knows which muscles may be injected into and how many Botox units are needed in order not to disturb the smile, for example, or to cause drooping or steep brows.

Always see a specialist for Botox treatments

There may be a handwritten sign in the window of your local beauty salon right now that says “On sale today: Botox!” – Don’t trust it, but rather look for a competent and professional partner when it comes to Botox. If you are now wavering between the desire for a more beautiful face with fewer wrinkles and the fear of the consequences of incorrect treatment, there is a very simple solution for this: go to the specialist centre for wrinkle treatments and not to the beauty studio on the next corner.

Competent Botox treatment by specialists at BellaDerma in Berlin

Our specialists for plastic surgery and Botox treatments will first and foremost give you all the information you need to know about Botox. They will answer all your questions and also tell you about alternative treatment options. At BellaDerma, the specialist institute for cosmetic medical treatments, you are also at the right address for Botox treatments. Get in touch with us today. Our specialist will be happy to advise you.

Note the Risks and side effects of Botox.


Book an appointment for a consultation

The medical staff of trained specialists, beauticians and alternative practitioners are happy to advise you on the possible treatments. The consultation is non-binding and free of charge. Call us on +49/30/88 92 92 20.

BellaDerma Berlin Ku'damm
vis a vis Kranzler Eck
Joachimsthaler Str. 10 / Kurfürstendamm
10719 Berlin Wilmersdorf-Charlottenburg

Mon–Fri: 9am–8pm
030/88 92 92 20

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